“For those who want to find a new way to awaken the depths of creativity in your body that will then ‘awaken” further your outer creativity in a myriad of surprising ways, come experience this deep, expansive and substantive connection with the Self.   I heartily endorse Sharon Forman’s ability to bring about breakthrough changes in one’s psyche and physical being through this innovative and unique movement process. Not only does one feel “En-livened” in the workshops in a special way, but her inspirational use of all kinds of music to reach soul cores in the body and spirit will always be memorable for me. One is so much freer and more relaxed- and I heartily recommend it for health, physical stamina, growth and mental exuberance. You really have to experience this movement process to understand how deeply moving and impactful it is. Give yourself the luxury of going deeper within with a group of like-minded seekers. Like Clarissa Pinkola Estes said: “That which you are seeking is also seeking you” You can find it in the echo chambers of your body and Soul.”

Katya Williamson, Internationally published writer and poet. Katya leads Global Women’s Writing Retreats, Wild Women’s Writing Tours, Ten Thousand Waves of Women’s Voices and other writing workshops in the U.S. and the United Kingdom. Katya also teaches writing classes at UCLA.

“I’ve been enjoying Sharon’s massage expertise and caring approach for many years and hope to do so for many more to come! I also have participated in her movement classes which are beautifully led to very inspirational music. I highly recommend Sharon for her deep knowledge and mastery in the areas of massage, yoga and movement.”

Ann L. Clancy, PhD, Author of Appreciative Coaching: A Positive Process for Change, 2007 and Pivoting: A Coach’s Guide to Igniting Substantial Change, 2017

“I have utilized Sharon’s massage services for over 5 years now and am amazed at her knowledge and skill. Her consideration for her client’s comfort and well being are also very commendable. I have a very difficult and physically demanding job that is very hard on my body at times and her ministrations have been invaluable to me. I highly recommend Sharon to anyone with body pain issues as her services are very beneficial.”

Linda M., RT, Billings, MT

“I love going to a class with Sharon because I always come away feeling better and more accomplished than when I arrived. After an hour or so with her guidance all the rough edges occupying my mind and body feel soothed and smoothed out a bit. Sharon’s obvious skill at her craft combine well with her knowledge of the human body and how it works so that every unique session feels customized for each person in attendance.   Describing the overall goal, breaking down the incremental steps- often with alternatives – to achieve the goal, and communicating success all combine for a great session. I come away feeling refreshed physically and mentally, ready to face whatever is ahead. Thank you Sharon.”

Carol H, Billings, MT

“I am writing a letter to give my highest recommendation to Sharon Forman as a massage therapist. I have been around for many decades and have had quite a few massages in my life! In addition to reducing stress and promoting relaxation, I have needed massage for sports injuries, general muscle tightness and now osteoarthritis. I been to masseuses and myotherapists around the country. NEVER, and I do mean NEVER have I had someone who so connected with their client’s needs to give a remarkable massage. Only she can explain what she does, but to me it was heaven! If I could bring her to my part of the country, I certainly would! She is also a great yoga teacher. Under a difficult, crowded and an unheated space, she stayed calm and centered with a great sense of humor! She is personable on both a social and professional level with everyone.

Sally M., Riverside, CT

It was a pleasure to get to know you both personally and professionally. Our family really looked forward to your calming morning yoga sessions and especially your top-notch massages.”

Lauren M., Scottsdale, AZ

“For three years plus, I have been receiving massages every two weeks from Sharon. My Chiropractor said my chronic back pain would go away if I did…and it has. Every two weeks I look forward to fine ministrations from Sharon. She makes me happy from head to toe!”

Bev R., Billings, MT

“Sharon made me feel very comfortable at my first massage with her. She was both very personable and very professional. I walked out feeling much better than when I struggled into her office. During the massage, I learned that Sharon was also a yoga instructor. I’d say it was luck, but it feels more like fate that some of her classes were the perfect time for me to attend. I have been taking yoga classes for about five years now and have a deep appreciation and respect for Sharon’s experience, vast breadth of knowledge, empathy, and sense of humor. I love that Sharon puts health first, physical health as well as emotional health. As an instructor, she always reminds students to listen to their bodies and how to connect to one’s body without judgement, just understanding. She easily adapts poses for students who may be struggling with age, injury or ailments so that they can participate in class to their fullest.   Yoga with Sharon is, for me, a meditation. It is not always about doing the biggest pose but rather understanding that even the most subtle and seemingly infinitesimal change in a pose can make an enormous difference. Namaste.”

Brigid H., Billings, MT

During class today I was wondering how you always know the exact thing that I need and choose to work on that. I’d ask you, but I hope you either wouldn’t tell me or don’t know, because since I don’t believe in magic I have to experience it. Thanks!”

Bonnie W., Billings, MT

“I try to attend several different types of yoga classes by a wide variety of instructors to explore the vastness that is yoga. Sharon, however seems to be several kinds of instructors in one person. She can make each yoga class unique, and is able to gently lead us to explore our limits. She has an uncanny sense of knowing what kind of class students need and then being able to provide it for each student. Sharon often knows what I need before I do. Sharon regularly explores the concepts of “effort and ease”. It sounds so simple, but like most tenants of yoga, it has many layers. Through Sharon’s tutelage, I got my body/brain to at least recognize that concept. That alone has opened many doors for me. Sharon has found a true calling through teaching yoga.”

K.E., Billings, MT

“My strength and flexibility have improved immensely. The way Sharon fashions a class is completely organic and intuitive and every time I leave one of her classes I am amazed to find we worked on exactly what I needed at that moment. In addition, her classes are so much fun and her wonderful, insightful and quirky personality make her a delight to be around! Sharon lives in her body and in the present moment in a way that inspires me to “go where she goes.”

Ossie A., Billings, MT

“I like moving in a non-scripted, gentle way that helps me express myself. This is holistic. It allows me to tap into myself”

Ann, Billings, MT

Thank you, Sharon, for your gift of sharing dance with me, and so many others.  Your warm open heart and artful, body feel healing.   I appreciate your ability to break down ways of moving that look intimidating and difficult; I appreciate your gift in inspiring movement that feels spontaneous and natural in your workshops.  Your invitation to let go of the concern of “how it looks,”, and go for it – to move in ways that feel SO good – gives the experience of a comprehensive and fun physical workout, and emotional release, and a spiritual connection – all at the same time! There is one thing I enjoy more than a movement session with you, and that is seeing you move. You are fluid and graceful and strong, simultaneously. My awareness and appreciation of myself, especially my body (which I have a checkered and at times difficult history with) is always enhanced in your presence. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for everything.

Fred S.